I have created multiple websites for businesses and organizations including Emmaus Ecumenical Church of Oshkosh, D.C. Everest Future Business Leaders of America, and many other websites.
I have created and currently maintain:
I have created but no longer maintain (websites I choose not to update):
Website I have created for others that are no longer active:
Created in 2015 in WordPress and active for 6 months.
Created in 2015 in a website builder with a client access site in WordPress and active for 4 months.
One of my websites created in 2012 in WordPress and active for over 3 years
Created in HTML 4.0.1 in 2011 and was active for 2 years.
This is the site for the D.C. Everest Sr. High School
Future Business Leaders of America student organization.
This site was coded by hand in HTML4.0.1 and included
images created by me in the banner and the navigation bar.
This site also included a WordPress blog with a live news
feed on the home page of the HTML site, as well as a
Google Calendar integration along with a Google Picasas
slideshow integration as well.
Created in 2012 in WordPress and was active for 3 years.
This website featured a photo gallery containing 13 images
along with an online web form with Google Recaptcha for
spam prevention.